Com ajudar?

Voleu contribuir a alguna cosa, però no sabeu per on començar? Explica'ns el temps que pots dedicar i et farem començar!

Aquí hi ha una llista de suggeriments

Edit a Framalibre page

Correct an incorrect information in a Framalibre page.

5 minutsComençar

Feu algunes traduccions dels projectes de Framasoft

Ajudeu a traduir alguns projectes a altres idiomes.

15 minutsComençar

Apreneu a editar OpenStreetMap

Afegiu detalls al mapa mundial basat en la comunitat

15 minutsComençar

Report a bug to Framasoft

Report typos, display issues, or other unexpected behaviour on one of Framasoft services or websites.

15 minutsComençar

Review the documentation of Framasoft services

Assegureu-vos que la documentació sigui precisa, comprensible i actualitzada.

15 minutsComençar

Learn how to contribute to Wikipedia

Wikipedia is useful to all of us, why not contribute to it ?

15 minuts

Support other Framasoft community members

Help other community members troubleshot and solve their issues while installing or using Framasoft services.

30 minutsComençar

Write about a project you like

Do you own a blog or are you the media? Indemnify yourself by writing about a project you like to help it attain eyeballs.

Una hora

Resoldre una petita incidència

Milloreu el projecte arreglant un error informat o implementant una millora sol·licitada.

Una hora

Create and improve Wikipedia articles about Women

Women are under-represented on Wikipedia because of the Gender bias. Let's change that!

Una hora

Audit a project security

Investigate and report possible security issues, and help solve them before users are affected. Please don't do this on Framasoft's infrastructure but through installing the projects yourself.

2 hores