Review the documentation of Framasoft services

Assegureu-vos que la documentació sigui precisa, comprensible i actualitzada.

Pas 1: Head over to the documentation and pick a service

You can start by picking a service you know well so that you don't need to get to know about the service and it's interface.

Otherwise, just pick one at random and use it a bit to understand what it's all about.

View the documentation index

Pas 2: Proofread the documentation carefully

You can check for the following issues:


  • Typos
  • Outdated instructions
  • Outdated screenshots

Pas 3: Take note of each issue

The nature of the issue and it's position

Pas 4: Report the issues or fix them yourself

Depending on how much time and how much motivation you have left, you can try to fix the issues yourself or report them

Submit patches for the documentation Report documentation issues

Has acabat, moltes gràcies per ajudar!