På hvilken måte vil du hjelpe til?

Ønsker du å bidra til prosjektet, men vet ikke hvor du skal starte? Fortell oss hvor mye tid du kan bruke, og vi vil hjelpe deg igang!

Her er en forslagsliste

Edit a Framalibre page

Correct an incorrect information in a Framalibre page.

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Oversett noen Av Framasoft sine prosjekter

Hjelp til å oversette prosjektet til andre språk.

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Lær å endre OpenStreetMap

Add details to the community-based world map

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Report a bug to Framasoft

Report typos, display issues, or other unexpected behaviour on one of Framasoft services or websites.

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Review the documentation of Framasoft services

Ensure the documentation is accurate, understandable and up-to-date.

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Learn how to contribute to Wikipedia

Wikipedia is useful to all of us, why not contribute to it ?

Et kvarter

Support other Framasoft community members

Help other community members troubleshot and solve their issues while installing or using Framasoft services.

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Write about a project you like

Do you own a blog or are you the media? Indemnify yourself by writing about a project you like to help it attain eyeballs.

Én time

Løs et lite problem

Forbedre prosjektet ved å fikse en innrapportert feil eller ved å implementere en forespurt forbedring.

Én time

Create and improve Wikipedia articles about Women

Women are under-represented on Wikipedia because of the Gender bias. Let's change that!

Én time

Audit a project security

Investigate and report possible security issues, and help solve them before users are affected. Please don't do this on Framasoft's infrastructure but through installing the projects yourself.

To timer