Do some translations of Framasoft's projects

Help translate some projects into other languages.

Step 1: Create your Contributor Account

You'll need an account on the platform we use to translate projects.

Create your Weblate account

Step 2: Choose the project you want to translate

Every project can be made up of several subprojects, also known as components in Weblate's terminology. Pick your favourite, or "Contribateliers" to translate this website.

List of translatable projects on Weblate

Step 3: Understand what the project is about

In order to translate appropriately a project, it is better to understand what's it about.

Step 4: Review the eventual translation guidelines

Translator guidelines are often available to ensure consistency across languages and components. Take a moment to read this document if available.

Step 5: Choose the target language

Each component is translated in many languages. Pick a language your are fluent in.

Lista dos idiomas dispoñibles

Step 6: Escolla os seus idiomas

Dicíndolle a Weblate que idiomas comprende/traduce axudará posteriormente. Tamén pode adicar un momento a editar o seu perfil e axustalo se fose preciso.

Axuste os seus idiomas

Step 7: Click "Translate"

Pulse no botón "traducir" na última columna da táboa de idiomas para comezar a traballar.

O botón traducir está na última columna

O botón traducir está na última columna

Step 8: Envíe a súa primeira tradución

Weblate will now present you with text in need of translation or correction. Confidently submit a translation, or fill-in your proposal and submit the form. If you're not sure at all, comment or move to the next string.

Step 9: Stop here… or continue!

You can repeat the previous step until you run out of time. Each new or improved translation makes the project better.

Rematou, grazas pola axuda!