Report a bug to Framasoft

Report typos, display issues, or other unexpected behaviour on one of Framasoft services or websites.

Step 1: Search for similar bugs

A quick search can yield similar bug and avoid opening duplicates. Take a minute or two to search our issue tracker or our forum for recent bug reports that could match yours, but don't worry if you open a duplicate: a contributor will handle it :)

If you find a similar bug report, you can comment on this one instead of creating a new one.

Browse existing bugs in our code repositories Check for bugs and/or start a thread on our support forum

Step 2: Create your Contributor Account

This account is needed to participate to threads in our forum.

Create your Framacolibri account

Step 3: Write your bug report

Open a new thread in the most appropriate category.

Try to be as precise and specific as possible: the other contributors that will read your report may not know things that are obvious to you.

We know writing an actionable bug report is hard. Do your best and give as much context as possible, but don't worry: other contributors will reach out to you if they need more details.


  • Explain what you were trying to do
  • Explain what you expected to happen
  • Explain what actually happened
  • Include logs, error messages, screenshots and information about your system (web browser, operating system…), if applicable


  • Use vague language such as "this is not working"

Step 4: Review and submit your report

Read your report one last time, then click on the "Submit" button.

A contributor will have a look at it within the next days!

You're done, thank you for the help!